Why we create plant-powered skin care products.

February 4, 2025
Picture: Herbal infused oil

Plants can do amazing things. They can calm, they can heal, and sometimes they can even cure. Infusing oils with plants provides a well curated, plant-powered skin care to make our products a step above.

As a modern population we know so little about the ability of the things that grow outside our front door. There is so much rich history about plants helping to relieve symptoms or cure ailments. Native populations from around the world have used plants to these ends for millennia. Why have we lost that ability?

I started an herbal apprenticeship several years ago. I mainly wanted to increase my knowledge as it pertained to my skincare business. What I learned in the two years I attended was that and so much more. I learned how to supplement nutrition with herbs to help keep yourself healthy, how plants are the main source of medicine, and that most drugs are derivatives of plants we know. I learned how to extract beneficial constituents from plants and how to use them and realized the power of the little green “weeds” in our yards and obtained Master Herbalist.

As I advanced through the apprenticeship, I began incorporating plants into my life, starting small with simple teas and infusions. I would drink oatstraw and red clover infusions or chamomile tea before bed. Then I started adding different plants to my diet. I found that I enjoyed seaweed when it was added to soups I made or that nettle makes a delicious side dish or soup itself. I discovered just how beneficial the standard cooking herbs are to health as well. As my class advanced, so did my experimentation. I started making tinctures and taking them regularly. The differences I saw in my health were amazing.

That brought me to the infusion of plants in oil and what I ultimately took the apprenticeship for. I knew basics that many other people know: calendula is good for healing, lavender is good for soothing… What I didn’t know is that there are plants that can stop the sting of a bee or the itch of a mosquito bite. There are plants that can draw out slivers or stingers. There are plants that can stop bleeding quickly. Plants do amazing things.

So back to why infused oil. We infuse plants in oils to extract all the beneficial components that can be helpful to your skin. Plants are notorious for holding onto their healing properties and not giving them up very easily. Oil helps to break down plants and pull out the things locked inside that can be useful for healing, soothing or strengthening skin. We then use that infused oil in blends or recipes, combined with carefully chosen ingredients, to create skincare that is natural and gentle yet powerful on your skin. Every plant or ingredient chosen is picked for a distinct purpose. We take the time to research, experiment and test the perfect formulations before we offer them to our clients. It may take a little longer, but we want the best combinations for the most impact.

The next time you are outside in your yard or on a hike, look around and thank the plants you see. They have been used throughout time to heal and soothe and will continue to do so for time to come.


Get our plant-powered skin care products here: www.rowantreebathworks.com/

Get your own herbs and oils from one of our trusted sources: www.mountainroseherbs.com


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